Hawking at the Medieval Market
A great pleasure
Traders and craftsmen at the Medieval Market
It's a busy time when the traders revive the medieval trading metropolis of Esslingen. Just as they did many hundreds of years ago, they offer their wares for sale at colourful booths. There will be haggling and bargaining, trading and laughing. You can look forward to unusual goods: Coloured cloths, furs, leather goods, incense and silverware are in abundance. The old handicrafts demonstrated at Esslingen's Medieval Market are also exciting and well worth seeing. Here you have the opportunity to look over the shoulder of a pewterer, glassblower, blacksmith and many more.
A selection of the most beautiful booths
All year round, the traders, craftsmen and artists look forward to seeing you, the public.
The numerous traders and hawkers vie for the favour of the visitors, who can purchase all kinds of goods related to the Middle Ages. Whether amulets, jewellery, delicacies from the Orient, homemade candles or hand-forged knives: the selection is almost inexhaustible.They love their work and also those who appreciate their goods: So feel welcome at the Esslingen Medieval Market.